CDC Report Links Community Conditions to Lower Suicide Rates

The report shows access to health insurance, broadband internet, and higher incomes significantly reduces suicide risk.

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that certain county-level conditions, such as health insurance coverage, broadband access, and household income, can reduce suicide rates. The report found that counties with the highest levels of insurance coverage had 26 percent lower suicide rates, those with widespread broadband access had a 44 percent lower rate, and counties with the highest household incomes saw a 13 percent reduction. These findings aligned with previous research emphasizing the influence of social and economic conditions on suicide prevention efforts, which remain critical as more than 49,000 people died by suicide in 2022, with provisional data indicating a similar number for 2023.

“Every suicide death is tragic, leaving behind devastated families, friends, and communities,” said Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director for Program and Science Debra Houry. “Every day, CDC invests in research and data that help reduce the risk of suicide. What we learn, we put into action by designing programs that can save lives and reduce suffering. Today’s report adds to our ever-growing knowledge base of suicide risk factors and will contribute to how we shape future suicide prevention efforts. My hope is that our scientific work and programs to prevent suicides will lead to fewer loved ones being left behind.”

By funding and supporting programs across the country, the CDC hopes to reduce suicide rates through prevention strategies targeting the most affected populations.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Dr. Houry and CDC officials as they track and implement strategies for reducing suicide.
  • For Secretary Xavier Becerra to receive God’s wisdom as he heads the Department of Health and Human Services.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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